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Beard Hair Harvesting for
Scalp Hair Transplantation

My preferred non-scalp donor location is the beard. The scalp may be successfully transplanted using beard hair in a number of ways. Many individuals will be able to deliver 1000-1200 grafts from their beard area. I never attempt to remove all of the beard hairs, since I believe having a thinner beard looks more natural than having no beard. On every operation, I harvest in an even manner to maintain a well-distributed yet sparser beard.

Superior outcomes for hair transplantation need optimum density and hair volume. The question is, however, what can be done for people with significant hair loss or a limited quantity of donor scalp hair on the back of their heads? Do they simply have to live with it? Not according to me!

We may now restore the whole scalp with lifelong hair from the frontal hairline to the mid-scalp and the crown thanks to recent developments in beard and body hair transplantation.

Importance of beard hair and why beard hair?

Beard hair is a good candidate for hair transplantation. The density of each beard hair is often double that of scalp donor hair, which implies more than twice the quantity of volume implanted. Harvesting from the face is simple, as the wounds heal quickly and with minimal apparent scarring. To allow for more potential hair transplant grafts, the donor region is also conserved for use as a future donor site. Besides that, the development cycle of beard hair is very similar to that of the hair on one’s own head.

What to Expect When You Have a Beard to Head Transplant

Before the beard becomes noticeably thinner, around 1000-1200 beard hair grafts may be harvested from the face and neck. Many individuals never intend to grow a beard, thus the real graft count might be significantly greater.

When I bring up beard harvesting with my patients, I generally receive an odd expression.   When I explain the technique that there is no facial scarring, minimum pain, low influence on the thickness of the beard and the fact that the donor region is being saved for more possibilities in the future, I generally receive a different positive reaction.

Exactly How Does a Beard to Head Hair Transplant Operation Work?

Hair harvesting from the beard and the scalp is often done on the same day for hair transplantation. By utilizing this procedure, the dense beard hairs build up volume, while the scalp donor hairs keep a natural appearance. Most patients who have a combined approach felt that the actual technique of removing beard hair was simpler during and after the treatment compared to the extraction of hair from the scalp donor location. Beard hair also works well on problematic places like the crown and there is generally a speedier return to normal development following a transplantation.

Beard grafting for hair transplant is fantastic news for men suffering from hair loss and should be considered for everyone, from moderate to severe. I now provide beard hair extraction to all of my male patients to enhance outcomes and increase the options.

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